Family plays a central role in a person’s personality development and can even determine an individual’s future life choices. Although your family may not be able to support you in every difficulty or struggle, they are usually the ones to provide you with the necessary tools and guidance to face any situation or challenge. This is because one’s upbringing during formative years has tremendous impact on who that person becomes as an adult. At the same time, family bonds are of vital importance since, very often, family provides you with shelter, unconditional love, and a sense of direction if, for any reason, you temporarily lose your way. Simultaneously, your parents and siblings are usually the ones who truly know and understand you, hence, can put you in the right path.
Family bonds determine the development of future relationships
Since the first relationship children develop is with their family, these first bonds function as a model for any future relationships you will form in the future with other people, whether these are your partners or your friends. Family dynamics, therefore, are often reflected in the relationships we create during later stages of our life.
Family benefits greatly your health and well-being
According to a Harvard study, those who have close ties with their family, while their relationship is defined by respect and love, are much healthier while, on the contrary, people who are loners and do not have close bonds with their family have more chances of experiencing health problems as they grow older.

Strong family bonds reduce stress
Being part of a close family that provides you with a sense of belonging helps your self-esteem, reduces anxiety, and, effectively, enables you to cope better with various stressful situations. This is because the approval and support from others directly relates to confidence and achievement.
Healthy upbringing positively affects personal emotions
A healthy upbringing helps individuals to control and regulate their emotions much more effectively during their adult life. The reason for this is that children grow to be more self-aware and gain the ability to acknowledge and control their personal emotions.
Strong Family ties enhance the sense of community
Strong family bonds create strong relationships in later life. According to a study by Psychological Science, men who were part of nurturing families have built strong relationships, developed close connection with their partners, and could manage their feelings better.
Family relationships boost mental health
Spending quality time with your family as a child, such as eating dinner together, has been linked by many studies to the prevention of depression and, generally, to the enhancement of well-being. On the other hand, negative family relationships may cause or worsen mental health problems.
Life lessons are first taught by family
A child first expresses emotions, interacts, and communicates with other individuals within the family setting. This is where children first learn and experience the consequences of their actions, whether these are good or bad. The parents are the ones who are supposed to guide their children and raise them to become responsible adults. It depends on them, then, to shape their children’s worldview and perspective in life.
Family values are the key
Simultaneously, family members are the ones who instill the values that will ultimately form the individual’s personality and entire identity. Family values, therefore, determine how a person behaves within a community, treats not only others but also himself or herself, and what value they give to their own existence and life purpose. RMHC CYPRUS is a great supporter of family bonds and believes that children should definitely be with their family, especially during hard times. This is precisely why our main goal is to keep families together by providing resources, support, and a home-away-from-home to the families of hospitalized children.