House Construction Cost
How we Help
We provide essential services that remove barriers, strengthen families and promote healing when children need healthcare.
Thanks to our supporters and fundraisers, we help families whose children are facing a long hospital stay away from home. As an independent charity, we rely on the support and generosity of our volunteers, fundraisers and donors to keep families close to their sick children in hospital each year.

What Our Chapter Does
We create Programs that help to improve the well-being of children

Ronald McDonald House® Nicosia
A ‘home away from home’ for families with hospitalized children.
We believe that “home” is more than four walls and a roof over your head. That’s why every Ronald McDonald House is a haven for families with children in the hospital. It provides all the comforts of home, plus the compassion of staff, volunteers, and other families — all just steps away from Makarios hospital.

The Hospitality Cart Program
Spreading joy with the “Hugs on Wheels” Hospitality Cart!
The main goal of the Hospitality Cart is to create a positive experience – a little treat and a smile – for children and their families during their visits to the Arch. Makarios III hospital. Many times, children get upset and restless during these difficult circumstances; the “Hugs on Wheels” Hospitality Cart Program brings a moment of comfort and cheer to the children and their families. This simple idea of hospitality not only creates an emotional connection with families.